
Showing posts from June, 2021

Rolling in the Depp — How Defamation Hurt Captain Jack Sparrow

      Defamation seems to be something that could cause a lot of upset in someone's life. It is defined as a message that tends to hurt someone's reputation. There are different forms of defamation but the case in which I am discussing today is primarily concerning libel. Libel is a written statement of defamation. When studying these materials, one court case that I am very familiar with came to mind. The court cases concerning Johnny Depp and Amber Heard were fairly publicized examples of defamation and libel.  — September, 2015     A Bit of Background —     Depp and Heard married when she was 22 and he was 45. The marriage did not last long and soon they were divorced. However before they were divorced, Heard enacted a restraining order against her soon-to-be ex-husband. According to sources, Heard was photographed with marks on her face after claiming Depp had abused her both verbally and physically while under the influence of drugs and alcoh...

Get With the Times: The First Amendment and The Digital Age

  I think it is safe to say that times have changed since the First Amendment was adopted. When the concept of Freedom of Speech came about, the founding fathers did not have social media and technology to worry about. According to an article, the digital age has brought about a need for new laws in terms of Freedom of Speech. Of course, with new laws come debates in many forms. Many people believe that the regulation of the Internet and social media obstruct the freedoms of speech and expression ( Momen). An example that comes to mind of social media being regulated is something I saw personally happening on the platform called TikTok. A few months ago, it was being brought to the attention of many that there was a large amount of hate crimes against members of the AAPI community. Users on TikTok that I follow were posting to raise awareness of these events. Shortly after posting, their videos were flagged, taken down, and a few even were banned from using the platform. This is a ...